Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Wittle Old to Get in Twouble

I have been on this planet for around 30 years and one of the things that always surprises me is how many people actively worry about if their day-to-day actions are going to get them in trouble. What I mean is they, as grown adults, are worried about people saying something to them, or chewing them out, as one person I know put it, for just doing what they need to do during a day. I have had coworkers with this mentality. They worried that the boss might be listening or they skipped one step in a process, nothing was harmed, and yet they sat and chewed their fingernails over if someone would find out. First of all, let’s just level and say that, as a grown adult, we have the rights to do just about anything we want, within reason, of course. We can eat what we want, sleep whenever, watch as much TV as our brains can handle, and, overall, just enjoy ourselves as human beings. Second, let’s all agree that the phrase “getting in trouble” is not the right terminology. I am not saying there are not repercussions for our actions. That is just not true. For instance, at work, for not doing what we are supposed to do or intentionally doing it wrong, we can be docked pay, made to take mandatory time off, or even handed a pink slip. In society, if we mess around we can be arrested, charged for our crimes, packed in a barred cell, and even given the electric chair if we mess around enough. However, in all of these cases, we are not getting stood in the corner, or being put in a time out, or having our hands smacked with a ruler. In fact, we are allowed to thoroughly object to those scenarios. I don’t know, maybe I am just mincing words. Maybe “getting in trouble” is a nicer way of saying something more derogatory. I just think that people that stand around worrying about if life is going to paddle their backside are missing out on bending some rules and having a funner time with everything they do. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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