Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Celebrities and Sharing

It is our daily routine in modern times. We wake up, check social media, and then post our own tid-bit about our daily lives. Eventually throughout the day, and during our boring jobs, we get a break and do it again. In fact, we do this multiple times a day, every day, and that is modern technology at play. We have become accustomed to it, and there are not many people we know that don’t do the same as we do. However, we are thoroughly surprised when celebrities, with all their fame and potential following, refuse to follow this pattern. It might surprise some people to know that there are many celebrities without a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even an email. I commend those celebrities because they understand that their body of work will never be dependent on how many followers they can gain on Youtube. It will depend on how good at their craft they are. Whether they act, sing, dance, or otherwise, their paycheck will be determined majorly by the mastery of their craft. Furthermore, I appreciate the fact that every celebrity doesn’t feel the need to blow up the internet every time they dye their hair or have a new beau. These celebrities want the ability to get married and have children without anyone knowing, save a few close family members. I think the general public needs to respect that and reevaluate their assumptions that celebrities’ private lives should be public knowledge. Because the truth is, it’s not and any expectation that a celebrity should share more than they feel comfortable is toxic behavior by their fans and is not fair to a person that literally has to wear a wig when they go into public. Most of the time, if we are patient, they will sit down with Oprah and spill everything. I find sitting in front of the Telly for an hour or two on a random Wednesday a great waste of time. Although, I also enjoy a good read of a tell-all book, or as some may know it, the old version of Twitter and Instagram. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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