Tuesday, October 11, 2022

An Appropriate Phone Call

 I think in any society there has to be rules of engagement when dealing with social interaction. One of the biggest social interactions of the modern age is the phone call. With a new cell phone being pushed every month or so, it is no surprise that everyone on planet Earth, old and young, has one and they use them to make phone calls anywhere they are at all hours of the day. But availability does not equal insight. There are people who just do not understand what phone calls should be used for. So, in light of all that, let’s set some ground rules for the social interaction known as a phone call.

Rule #1: There are many hours in a day, but only certain ones are good times for calling someone up. Do not call anyone before the hours of 10:00 AM. Regardless of what they may be doing, a person’s morning should be their own, they should not have to deal with you on a phone. Also, do not call anyone after 7:00 PM. A person’s primetime hours (and yes folks primetime starts at 7:00 PM I don’t give a damn where you live) are meant for a good meal and some peace and relaxation. It is not a time for a conversation on the phone. So, between the hours of 10:00 and 7:00, you’re good. Otherwise, don’t bother. Please use your 9 hours wisely.

Rule #2: Just because you enjoy talking for extremely long times about God knows what on the phone, doesn’t mean everyone has that hobby on their list of things to do in the day. For some people, a phone is a business device only. So, if you call someone on the phone, get to your business and hang up. In other words, STOP WASTING MY TIME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED!!! If you want to have a conversation, stop by the house sometime, we’ll have coffee and chat it up.

Rule #3: A phone call is a great way to connect with someone that you haven’t heard from in a while. And while you should keep your conversation brief, you can still see how they’re doing and catch up a little. However, it is not okay to call up someone that you have not seen, heard from, or spoken to in almost a year and ask them for any favor whatsoever. In fact, if you haven’t kept in touch with a person in over a month, just automatically assume that they are one of those “friends” that you know through association and not the kind of “friend” that would even be willing to piss on you if you were on fire. It’s just that simple.

Now, hopefully, this advice will seep into your skin and everyone out their will take it to heart. Trust me when I tell you, I cannot be the only person that wishes these rules were a legit thing that everyone knew. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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An Appropriate Phone Call

  I think in any society there has to be rules of engagement when dealing with social interaction. One of the biggest social interactions of...