Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I wish to start off by thanking anyone who is reading this right now. You are reading the very first entry on a blog written by a somewhat knowledgeable red-headed male with a relatable opinion. The entries in this blog are not for anyone in particular’s sake, but instead simply the rambles of someone who has gathered a little knowledge throughout their life so far and wants to talk about a different topic every week or so. However, you may ask yourself, what is a ramble? What does it mean to ramble? Well, when I was a child it was what my family called it when someone droned on about something for too long. Many times, the person never really made a point and it was just blabber. They were therefore rambling. Some of the posts on this blog may do just that. You may read it and start to wonder, “Is he ever going to get to the point?” Truth is, I may not. My hope is that my rambling makes you think and maybe I end up making a point. Either way, it will be my opinion and nothing else. So please, do not take offense, do not look too hard into it, and please, do not think that my opinion cannot be changed. I am still young and I hope that my opinion will be swayed daily so that I can keep writing new posts about different topics that come to my mind. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it.

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