Tuesday, March 19, 2024

A Money-back Guarantee and a Coupon

I am going to level with you, I like a good deal, and, doing what I do for a living, when I hear about a service that can save me a little extra cash when I shop, I am all for it. However, the old saying of “If it’s too good to be true, it usually is” always seems to pop up every time I try to save a few dollars. The perfect example is the cash back service Honey. Essentially, it claims to be able to save you money when you do your normal shopping on websites like Amazon and Walmart by finding the best coupons for those sites. It also claims to give you cash back when you shop on certain sites. Now I am not one to try something for a week and then give up. I have put Honey through its due diligence. In fact, I have used it for almost 3 years now, and I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, IT IS A RIPOFF! For 3 years I have tried to use it repeatedly, and repeatedly it tells me it cannot find coupons for my stuff. In those 3 years, I have only saved about $25 on all of my shopping, and, honestly, that is probably a stretch. I also really love when I get to the payout screen and it will not even activate at all. It pops up a little bubble next to my merchandise and says “BEST DEAL.” I know it’s the best deal. Of course, it’s the best deal. I just spent 30 minutes trying to find the best deal. I don’t need your help with that. Thanks Honey. Anyway, maybe I am just not using right. Maybe the products I need and want are just not things that have deals on them. By all means, though, try it out for yourself. I will leave a link at the bottom, and just a heads up, if you use this link to sign up for Honey, it does pay me because then I am an affiliate of Honey. I guess that really is the gimmick though isn’t it. Get one sucker to get other suckers to sign up and then pay the first sucker chump change for his effort. It is just not my bag, but, as they say press on and power through. With any luck, I can still clip coupons the old-fashioned way with my Sunday paper. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.


Link: https://www.joinhoney.com/ref/hfj7bky

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