Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Earth is Not Flat Right?

Since the dawn of humanity, we sapiens have been extremely curious about the world around us. Over time this has led to some of the greatest discoveries of all time. Different elements on the table, electricity, where Fez from That 70’s Show is from, but one of the biggest problems we still face through our methods of discovery is the groups of people that condemn others just because they have a novel idea. For instance, the first time a scientist proposed the Earth was not the center of the universe, the scientific community ousted an individual named Copernicus. How about the first time it was proposed that we actually evolved from a more primitive species? The religious groups of the world started throwing around the idea it was being proposed we evolved from monkeys and said that was crazy and only the Lord can create life. In the modern era, the notion that self-driving cars will ever be more than fiction is still hotly debated, even as select big companies have proven it to be possible. Now based on the title, one might think that I am leaning towards the idea of a flat earth being real. I am not. We have definitely proven the Earth to be spherical, and anyone who believes otherwise is a few continents short of a globe. However, what I am saying is that people who were later proven right, started out with what seemed like insane ideas. Of course, every idea is not going to be a ringer, and believing in concepts that have already been proven wrong is a step in the wrong direction, but maybe the next time a science fiction thought is attempted to be made reality, perhaps we should all listen. In other words, instead of laughing at a man holding a kite in a thunderstorm, maybe help him find a safer way to hold it and be on the front line when a new fact is proven. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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