Tuesday, January 2, 2024

My Follow-Through Sucks

New Year’s resolutions are a tradition dating back to the ancient Babylonians that would pray to their gods that they may succeed in one manner or another. Usually this meant moving up in class, beating their next opponent, gaining extended knowledge, or even just good crops the next growing season. In today’s time, it usually means a weight loss or financial goal. The key word for me is “goal.” When you set a goal, especially one that is very high-barred, there is already tremors of failure. I personally do not set resolutions, if only because the crushing sound of defeat after six months is just too much for my ego. So, instead, I opt for accomplishments. In other words, every time I manage to get something done I celebrate, and I don’t worry about what I didn’t get accomplished. That way it is only good times when something actually gets done, and, with my procrastination habits, sometimes it does take a while. However, I encourage everyone to follow this method. Because it definitely is more fun than being depressed about what you didn’t get accomplished. Although, for some, it may be difficult because they are that successful and accomplish so much they would celebrate every day. Although celebrating every day, greatly accomplished or just muddling along, is a goal I fully stand behind resolutely. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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