Tuesday, August 1, 2023

I'm Working Out My Stress

It is the first of the month and most of the working force knows what that means: a stressful work environment where everyone is running around like chickens without their heads and it is complete anarchy and chaos all day long as you try to meet the needs of all the customers. When I worked 9-5 it always amazed me how only a day before, the customer base was like a desolate wasteland with hardly a person to be seen and then day one of the month hits and it is green flag racing on the Autobahn. You hardly have time to get a sip of water, much less actually get anything accomplished. This stress-filled day was always topped off with a good glass of wine and an early night because of exhaustion. However, for some, these days do not just happen on the first of the month. There are a few throughout a month and many all year, which is why it blows my mind when I see higher-ups in high stress jobs be jerks to the people who are just trying to lighten the mood. I have literally seen bosses grind into their subordinates simply because they cracked a joke and got a few laughs. Take it from someone who was the funny guy all the time at different jobs, it helps to laugh on days when you just want to pull your hair out. In fact, you need to laugh sometimes at jobs like that so you don’t end up in the parking lot with a gun in your mouth. It certainly makes the day go by quicker when, even throughout the toughness of the job, someone walks through the bullpen wearing Groucho glasses and says something like, “I know, I know. My new glasses just aren’t working.” By the way feel free to use that one, just know that you may not have that job the next day. On the other hand, if you work in a place where absolutely no one finds that funny, maybe it is time to find a place of work where a good joke goes a long way. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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