Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Styling and Profiling

One of the biggest problems I think that plagues the youth of today is the bandwagon mindset. What I mean is, they all want to be the same. I used to be a substitute teacher and it was amazing to me how many of the students were literally carbon copied, grey blobs of people, who all had the same interests, styles, and personalities. I have always thought of myself as a good judge of character and someone who can read people pretty well. So imagine my surprise when I looked at these clones and saw that they were actually miserable behind the cool façade. I could go on forever about how many of them were hiding secret loves for things that were deemed “uncool”, but for this ramble, I will focus on the clothes and say that if you are one of the bandwagon riders, please hop off and own your style. People with different clothing styles and different ways of wearing those clothes is what makes a cool society in my book. It is what allows for there to be more than one kind of fashion designer. Moreover, if everyone dresses a little differently, then it is a lot easier to tell everyone apart and to find people who are actually similar to you. It may come as a surprise, but if you are wearing a Marvel shirt you may find other people who like Marvel as well. It is always a joy when I see someone realize as they enter adulthood, that finding your own fashion sense is just a part of growing up. However, most of the time it is a scenario, where they wanted to wear certain clothes for years, they just had to get out of their teenage mindset and realize that no one cares what you wear as long as you are wearing something. Now I’m not saying that all fashions and styles should be owned, although I can respect someone who really leans in. You know who I’m talking about. That guy that wears a pair of pajama bottoms with a mustard stained Imagine Dragons t-shirt and a pair of Chuck Taylors. He wears this everywhere he goes, even to nice public events and he is unashamed of it. What I will say is that every person will eventually find a way of dressing that fits their personality, their way of life, and their budget and will probably wear similar clothing until they die. So own your style, because, at the end of the day, it is a short life and clothes really can make the difference between enjoying that life or suffering from everyone else’s fashion. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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