Tuesday, February 14, 2023

No Arm Candy, No Problem

With Valentine’s Day in full swing, I thought it would be a good time to talk about dating. Dating – that thing people do where they waste a little money on someone who may or may not end up being their life partner, but they will probably share a bed tonight, conscience or not. All joking aside, it has always been funny to me that people try the dating game and never stop playing it. What I mean is, they feel like they always have to be dating someone. They try with one partner – give them gifts, hang out, play with some genitals, and then one person or the other decides it is not working, so they move on. And I mean literally the next minute. It is like they have someone else in mind before they’ve even broken up with the previous person. I find it sad to watch some of the people I know go through this. I tell them, “Just let it happen naturally. Stop trying to actively find someone.” But they never listen, and the next week, here they come with another partner and want me to get to know the person (which I know is completely pointless). If you are reading this, you probably know someone like this. Hell, you yourself may be that person. All of this is especially true around Valentine’s Day. It’s as if they are going to the class reunion and have to impress everyone with what they’ve done with their life. They want to make sure that they are locked in for the “Big V Day”. It’s not a horse race folks. There are no bets involved. You are not going to lose anything by being single. You do not have to be dating someone, I don’t care what day it is. How about learning who you are first. Then try to find someone that matches you. Don’t just keep blindly throwing the dart at the board just because you think it looks good. You might put someone’s eye out. Then they will literally be throwing blind. I myself am a happy bachelor. I look around once in a while and I do play the field now and again. But I don’t worry about if I am attached to anyone, because I still have a long life ahead. I know who I am and I know who would match me well. When I find that person, I hope that they are looking too and we meet in the middle. But until then that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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