Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Are We More Immune to Toxins Than We Give Ourselves Credit

Before anybody makes any assumptions, no, I am not talking about snake bites or insect stings. I am talking about this horrible concept of claiming something or someone is toxic. I know that toxicity has been around for a while, but it seems like, more recently, the phrase, “That is so toxic,” is everywhere. I just want to be level with everyone, “toxic” is a relative term. In fact it is a misnomer that I feel should not exist period, because a lot of what today’s people are claiming is toxic, is just general stuff that is being done to get through our day to day lives. In other words, my toxic is not the same as your toxic. For instance, have you ever seen that couple that no matter the situation, there is always a problem. They argue all the time and everything seems to be “on the rocks” for them, and yet, they are successful, they have more money, and if you ask either of them in a private conversation, they both say they are happy. Why is this? Anyone on the outside looking in would say that they are the two most toxic people in the world, but in reality, they are used to it. They are immune to the toxicity, because, honestly, they are perfect for each other. Two scorpions stinging each other into a fugue state. On the other hand, there are people who try their best to avoid toxic people or situations and when they see something that is mildly pessimistic, they believe it to be “super toxic”. They are not used to it, so the toxins hurt them a lot more. The problem arises when everyone on social media makes accusations of toxicity about things that may or may not be toxic to everyone. It confuses the masses into believing certain things are toxic regardless of why it is toxic or to what degree, so then the followers start flinging the word around with reckless abandon. There are some that would say I am a toxic person, and I poison many around me, and I would agree if not for the fact that simply by talking about it, I think I make some sort of antidote. So the next time you hear that something or someone is toxic, really think about what calling that thing or person toxic means. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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