Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Living in a Different Place

The other day, I helped a friend of mine move so that he could be closer to his work. He wasn’t moving that far away. Actually, we were able to load everything into a small moving truck and drive to the new address. As we were driving to the new location, we were talking about how much he always wanted to move to Hawaii and live. He said that it was his dream to become a resident of Hawaii (he always loved the beach, so it made sense). He said that he still has the dream, but right now, it just doesn’t look like it will be in the near future. All of this talk got me to thinking, why do we live where we do? Is it because it is close to a job? Is it because that is all we can afford right now? Is it because we are doing like the colonial days and just living near where our parents live? And if any of this is the actual answer, are we depriving ourselves of a place to live? The truth is, I think fear keeps us from doing what we want in our day-to-day lives and moving to a new home is no different. People are afraid of the unknown and if they do not have a previous experience with a location, they may not want to move there permanently out of fear that it won’t work out. I mean, it’s not like if it doesn’t work out you just pack up and move again. There may be certain repercussions to just bouncing like that. However, I also believe that sometimes we have to face our fears and do what makes us happy. I hope one day my friend is able to live in Hawaii. That way he can be happy and I will also have a place to crash if ever I should go to Hawaii. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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