Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Every Text Sounds Angry

In this world of digital media and dwindling stationary, there are many people who choose to only communicate through typing. For most people, they seem to have no trouble with it. They send a text or an email and move on, but for me it seems like no matter how I type the message out, it sounds angry. See, there is no context for the messages sometimes, and moreover, the person on the other end of the message cannot hear my inflections on certain words, so inevitably every message I send sounds angry. Now I don’t really worry about it that much. Most people who receive my messages might just think I am a very business-oriented person, which I am, who is only trying to get his point across and move on. However, when I am trying to text for leisure, like for “a nice time out on the town”, I do not want to sound like an asshole toward the particular person I want to see. They might get a little miffed and decide not to show up. And then again maybe its just me overthinking my texting ability. Maybe I am an excellent texter and every message reads like gold. Then again, maybe I am just a naturally angry person who has extreme trouble getting his point across and needs to find a therapist who specializes in texting in a kinder manner. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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