Tuesday, December 27, 2022

My Time So Far

 Normally this time of year, the end I mean, most people give a year in review sort of thing where they talk about the year and what it has meant to them and so forth. However, I have not been on the platform for an entire year yet so I will talk about my time so far. So far, I have enjoyed this process. The process of writing a little piece of something to share with an audience and doing it every week. It becomes a routine that is not hard to follow and keeps someone like me motivated to keep doing it. I have enjoyed the way this platform allows me to post damn near anything I wish without questioning it. Whether or not anyone reads these is irrelevant because I did not do this to prove a point, I did this to ramble and ramble I have. I have shared my opinion on a few things and have hopefully given a few people a few things to think about. My hope is that anyone who has read these will evaluate their day to day and see that sometimes the world is just another person’s opinion. So go have your own, ramble a little, and please make your point already! But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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