Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Holiday Traditions Your Way

 Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house

Every creature was stirring, and even the mouse

Hanging signs saying “Of Krampus Beware,

And hoping St. Nicholas soon would be there

The children stayed up all night

In their tradition of getting Santa in sight

While mama and I cleaned up dishes

From the barbeque earlier of our wishes

And out on the lawn there were chairs spread out

For the parade we watched, it was fun, no doubt

The kids had their shoe on the windowsill

In jest really, but who knows still

Where we are, there is much snow

So we build a snowman before the sun makes him go

And our neighbors to the east

Played a game of dreidel after their feast

Many friends have Nativity scenes on their yards

With the Wisemen standing post like guards

Some sing carols of reindeer of eight

While others sing of a ninth so great

Name them we shall for our holiday cheer

Because writing them is hard, their names are quite queer

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen

Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen

And Rudolph the ninth of the team

Really the headlight of the crew, red nose on high beam

Many candles are lit and trees all a-glow

There is nothing amiss here, you know

Perhaps red, green, and black are your forte

And gathering to reflect on the principle of the day

Or even fireworks may explode

Man what a way to unload

Cookies are baked, latkes are served

Your holiday vacation from work is deserved

Is the turkey all set to bake

Or are you simply having a little cake

Many deserts to be had

Sweet, warm, decadent, and none of it bad

Spending time with relatives can be a strain

But for some it is the point and there is no pain

Do you have servants and maids and the sorts

Perhaps you have Boxing Day for your cohorts

We will exchange gifts with glee

And hopefully give many happily

Whatever traditions are yours and your family’s

Enjoy them with utmost gusto and some laughs please

Because at day’s end, your fun is important

And making yearly habits that will take plant

And being together with people you care for

Can make the holidays not seem like a such a chore

Make your own traditions and worry not about the rest

Because your holidays become great if filled with great jest

But that is just one man’s opinion to be had

Thanks for listening to me ramble, it makes me so glad

I appreciate your moment for my insight

So until next time, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

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