Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Everyday I'm Side-Hustlin'

 We all work our 9 – 5 jobs or some version of it. Everyday we make a little money that goes somewhere, whether it be bills, a bank account, or some kind of leisure that inevitably wastes our money. 40 years ago, that was the standard and everyone was happy with it. Well, not everyone, but we all have that one uncle that complains about his bosses bending him over. However, in the modern era, there is a trend for everyone to not only work their 9 – 5 but also to have a side hustle. Now this may be anything from making a little money from a hobby like woodwork or crochet, or an entire second job and the question is always the same. Is it really worth it? Well, as someone who has a few side hustles, I can say… probably. I mean, will I get rich from any of them? No. But I do make a little extra spending money to do with as I wish and that is never a bad thing. This seems to be the consensus from most everyone I know. They know they are not going to be the next Warren Buffett from selling a little Avon, but they do always have a little extra at the end of the month when their regular wages never seem to meet up with the demand of their bills. I have even had some friends that have turned their side hustle into their main hustle. So, what is the point here. Well, to put simply, if you have extra time to sit around wondering about what extra money is out there, then why don’t you start using that time to get a little of that extra money. It might pay off one day. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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