Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Ooh! A Piece of Candy

 It is the same old story every year—kid goes trick or treating and then, as soon as they get home, every piece of candy has to be thoroughly inspected to make sure there aren’t any razor blades or poison candy in the mix. It is a story as old as…well at least as old as me because my parents did it too. Hello helicopter parents. I promise the candy is fine. No one is trying to kill your kid. Now, if you want to go through the candy and find half opened packs because of germs, or if you want to go through and take your dad tax, or even if you want to do your youngster a favor and remove all the raisins, toothbrushes, pennies, and zero bars, because who likes that candy, those are all fine reasons to rummage through your kid’s candy. Otherwise relax, it’s just a piece of candy. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time. Oh and Happy Halloween.

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