Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Cell Phones for Infants

 Is it just me or is the average age of a cell phone user getting younger and younger. I mean I have seen toddlers still in diapers watching a smart phone bigger than they are. It raises the question though, how young is too young for a cell phone? Does being able to operate one make you eligible to have one. Because in this technology age, younger and younger people are becoming literate in technology. There are 4-year-olds that can type numbers and call someone, but does this make them mature enough to be doing those things. Should maturity even be a factor? After all, there are 30-somethings that are not mature enough to own a phone and use it properly. In saying that, does proper use come into play? People of any age can use their parents’ phone to accidently order things online or dial a wrong number. I mean I would not find it far-fetched if a toddler dialed the wrong number and had a complete conversation with a total stranger. How long before we are literally seeing a scene from “Look Who’s Talking”? I feel there are a lot of factors that have to be weighed before anyone gets a phone. For me, I don’t see anyone under the age of ten with a cellphone, and, even then, there are many questions that have to be answered before the phone company sends the box in the mail. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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