Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Long Hair ≠ Rebel

 It’s time for a haircut. I can hear every boss now. If you are a gentleman in any sort of white-collar work field, you are expected to keep shorter hair. But why? Their reasoning is that long hair on a guy looks unkempt and makes that guy look like a rebel. However, it is perfectly fine for a woman to have her hair long, as long as it is neat. Double standard much. Now, where I work, they are pretty relaxed about your hair, and even when mine is longer, I keep it clean and combed. I think there needs to start being less focus on physical appearance and more focus on character. I don’t care if you look like a young Billy Ray Cyrus, as long as your personal qualities hold up, you will not be bothered by me about how long your hair is, even if on the weekends you ride your Harley fast and loud. That is your personal time and I will kindly mind my own business. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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