Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Turkey Day is Skippable

Good news for all those out there who already have their tree standing and decorated, Thanksgiving is a totally skippable holiday. This does not come lightly, mind you. I was one of those true believers that every holiday should have their day in the spotlight. I fought for years saying that all these supermarkets were wrong in putting their Christmas stuff out before Halloween was even over, but no longer. I am on the bandwagon that we should go straight from Halloween to Christmas. I mean if you think about it, the reasons are obvious. First of all, most “Thanksgiving” decorations are really just Autumn-themed decorations. Leaves, some hay, some pumpkins, a cornucopia, and, of course, turkeys. So just keep your Autumn decorations up until about the middle of November and then switch over to Christmas lights and tinsel. Second, has anyone ever made an actual Thanksgiving song. I mean not to say that Halloween has a lot of bangers, but at least there are a few. Something about mashing monsters or smashing graveyards, I don’t know. And then, of course, we all have our favorite Christmas Carol out of the hundreds. But I don’t think there is a single Thanksgiving song out there. I mean there have been a few attempts, and in actuality “Jingle Bells” was supposed to be a song sung at Thanksgiving, but let’s be honest, it really suits Christmas better. Third, and I know this is going to be a real heart breaker, but that whole fairy tale about the first Thanksgiving feast with the pilgrims and the Native Americans is just a nice story to tell the young ones, because it didn’t quite go down like Charlie Brown would have us believe. The meal was a peace agreement, but I don’t really think it lasted long. Worse than that, by all historic accounts and research by food historians, there was not any turkey served at that feast. None. So, our long-held tradition of what we serve at Thanksgiving is just a made-up tradition—just like every other tradition, but I digress. Last, do I have to point out how many other holidays have a large meal accompanying them? I mean many people enjoy a good meal on Easter, there is the big cook-outs of Independence Day, more candy than any one person needs at Halloween, and then, to end the year, there is usually a grand Christmas feast to accompany all the presents. So, do we really need another day to be gluttons? I certainly don’t think so. I think the stores and Hallmark channel have had it right for many years. From now on let’s work on getting over our candy hangovers from Halloween by getting straight into the Christmas spirit. For the next years to come, let’s skip Turkey Day and just start working off that extra candy weight by running around Christmas shopping and let’s all be thankful that there is now one less holiday to irritated by those distant relatives. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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