Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Boy in Blue Not Interested in You

 Driving down the interstate, running 30 minutes late and then everyone sees a police officer that has pulled someone over and they start driving 25 miles per hour under the speed limit. It is seriously frustrating and completely unnecessary. To all the people out there that do this, that cop is not interested in you. They have their focus directed toward another mission. Now if you are breaking laws, flying down the road, mooning the officer, they may suddenly have a reason to look at you. Otherwise continue as you are and do not hold the rest of us up by slowing way down because your nervous about whatever thing that makes people nervous around cops. Remember their job is to serve and protect, not stalk and make people’s lives miserable. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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