Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Leaving the World Behind

 Before anyone gets any ideas, no I am not talking about some greater place or anyone that has died. I am talking about people who lose touch with reality and just stop moving forward on the timeline of modern life. Now I understand that everyone has their own style and it is perfectly okay to still be wearing your bell bottoms, slap bracelets, and grunge shirts. I also think it is just fine to have had a hobby or a favorite show as a kid that you never really outgrew. I am 28 and I still like Pokemon. The thing I am talking about is when a person reaches a certain time period and just won’t move past it. I know a guy who refuses, and has refused for 50 years, to hop onto the technological train. He does not have a cell phone, computer, or even an email address. He still uses a rotary phone and no I am not joking. His landline rotary phone is his only method of contact. This is just unacceptable because he is not just cheating himself out of the experience of modern technology, he is making everyone else’s life miserable because they have to treat him special because he won’t give even a little. So, to anyone out there who has left the modern world behind and will not move forward in the years, come back to us. I promise, it’s more fun in the front seats. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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