Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Is Using Bigger Words Okay

 I inquire that the title of this online journal should likely be “is the application of larger locutions appropriate”. The simple answer – sometimes. There are a few questions that have to be answered before deciding on bigger words.

1st – Who are you speaking with?

Is it someone who is used to more complicated words? Are they relatively educated for their age? In other words, are they mentally capable of hearing terms that are more than common language?

2nd – Do the words help to get the point across?

Does the bigger word fit better in the statement you are making? Does it more eloquently make the person you are talking to understand what you are saying?

Last – Does the word make for a lot less awkward conversation?

And we all know what I am talking about. That person that no matter what word you seem to use, they retort with, "That’s what she said". I find that using the word difficult instead of hard or gender instead of sex tends to deflate their immaturity…most of the time.

Once the answers to some of these questions are answered then the decision of what words to use can be made. Maybe go somewhere in the middle – a little big, some small. Because there is a saying that just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should. You definitely don’t want to be that person that seems like a pompous arrogant jerk because you keep talking in a way no one understands. Sometimes being relatable and friendly is better than proving how intelligent you are with bigger words. But that’s just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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