Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Dichotomy of Being Human

Humans are complex individuals. So complex, in fact, that usually by the time we become adults, we have picked our sides in beliefs. What religion we are, who we support politically, our value of life, etc. Through this, it is not an easy search to find someone who takes both paths on a fork in the road. However, I believe that if we look deeper at ourselves, we will find dichotomy. That is, a scenario where we have opposing views in our own self beliefs. For instance, I don’t think it is a stretch to find a “right to bear arms” supporter that also opposes abortion. Another instance is a person who is against illegal drugs that would not blame someone for selling their pain medication to pay their mortgage. Dichotomy, I feel, is the essence of being a human. A man or woman of many convictions is the norm. Why? Because if we fully delve into one side or the other of a bipartisan pool, we become rigid and stale as thinking beings full of character. We all have that friend who is the hardest working person we know, yet is also the silliest individual in our lives. They never miss a chance to get overtime at work, but April 1st is their day. I am not saying that we are all Dr. Jekyll with his Mr. Hyde, but what I am saying is that a person of multiple faces is a norm that should be embraced and encouraged from a young age. Help the youth to understand that just because you feel you belong to one group, does not mean you have to believe in every message that group puts forward. That my friends is the equivalent to belonging to a cult. As I said, humans are complex, and having multiple beliefs, multiple sides of your personality – in other words, having dichotomy, is a part of that complexity, especially when those beliefs are seemingly opposing forces. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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