Tuesday, May 14, 2024

No Crystal Ball, Just a Calendar

My favorite character at a carnival is the fortune-teller. The reason is because they are probably the richest person at the event. Why? Because everyone goes to them to hear about a future that may or may not actually happen. It is comforting to hear things about a life that we dream about, but a vision board can become reality with an attainable goal post and some grit. There is nothing that can’t be achieved with a proper plan and a level head. We all have it in us to accomplish great things. Most people usually do. There are thousands of doctors, lawyers, service men and women, entrepreneurs, and entertainers in the world. However, when I say attainable goals, I mean it literally. We cannot all be Sheldon Cooper and graduate college at 14. As much fun as kids have playing wedding in the back yard, most of us are not going to meet that perfect someone and be happily married in our early 20s. In this modern era, we may never actually own a house. When I say attainable goals, I mean things that could and probably might actually happen in a normal life. A life without Laurie Laughlin as our mom, a life without arranged marriages, and a life without ever having won the lottery. I am not saying we shouldn’t shoot high. I am merely saying that it is okay to go with the flow sometimes and do not get disheartened when we come in under the bar. Just adjust the trajectory and keep flying. There is a reason that they don’t sell 20 year at a time calendars. Some of us would plan that far ahead and might even ask the prognosticator to assist us. My hope is that we can all be happy living relatively normal lives with a few dozen high points as we accomplish the goals we set and knew we would achieve. However, if it were to be foretold that we would meet our one true love while we were wearing red shoes, then one of those goals would definitely be to buy enough red shoes to last us the rest of our lives. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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