Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Employee Shields Activate!!!

It is a literal nightmare in the work field in modern times. I could ramble on about each and every sector of the work force for hours, but in this particular ramble, I am talking about horrible bosses that choose any other position except keeping their employees content. It could be a boss that thinks money is most important. It could be one that picks favorites and makes employee of the month a Hunger Games situation. It could even be a boss that believes in that ridiculous notion that the customer is always right. Newsflash, they usually aren’t. A tip to any boss reading this. If you are one of these or some other example that I just don’t have the room to list, know that employee protection is the most important part of running a business, bar none, hands down, no ifs, ands, or buts. If you don’t have employees, you don’t have a business, because it is impossible to do every task of your business, no matter what industry, by yourself. Now I am not saying that every employee needs to have every demand met or that every one of them needs to be happy, jolly, ecstatic at every minute. What I am saying is that if employees feel unsafe, or if they feel like they are never heard, or even if they feel like there is always something wrong every day they work, they are not going to continue working in that kind of environment, or if they do, they are not going to do the best work and the business still suffers as a result. I understand it is not easy being a boss. Sometimes, there is a boss that bosses have to respond to. This ramble needs to be read by that head honcho character as well. Understand that trying your hardest to make your employees lives easier is the penultimate task of being a leader. Make sure employees have the resources they need to do their jobs. Make sure they are happy at least a few days of the work week. Also, lets all agree to make jobs as simple as possible. There is no good reason to overcomplicate tasks that should be relatively simple to carry out. A worker should not have to email 18 people before one thing gets done. They also should not have to walk 6 miles in the snow, barefoot, uphill both ways to click a button and move a machine, even if that is the way it was done back in the boss’s day. At the very least we should all be able to go to work, make a little money, and not pull our hair out or have a good scream in the car at lunch every day of our working lives. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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