Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Don't Try To Change Me

It is a great world we live in and more specifically the US of A is a wonderful free land where we can do whatever we want, within reason. We eat what we want, wear what we want, we can start any kind of business we want, and, most importantly, we are free to believe what we want to believe. However, in every barrel of apples, there is that one rotten apple that tries to sour the rest. I am talking about those people who try to change our beliefs just because they do not agree with them. They run around all day on a mission to call into question our daily routines and then shame us for them. I speak before you today and say, “Please STOP!!!” I don’t just mean one opinion or another. I am speaking to everyone, in every group. Stop trying to change people. If you have cut out meat and all animal by-products from your life because of dietary restrictions or because you can’t stomach the idea of where that slab of meat actually came from, then kudos. I am happy for you and good luck with your culinary endeavors, but do not try to shame me for my greasy, full-dairy cheeseburger. Just get in line, order your Impossible burger with vegan cheese, and leave me alone. Also, many of us are not that religious. In fact, most of us view a church as a place to get in on a free cook-out. I would love to have the extra time to sit and read pieces of a book, and then once I finished it, go back and read again that same book every day for the rest of my life. However, I am a very busy man, with a day full of activities, and I do not have the capacity to have a read-a-long with King James every day. It is just simply not in the cards for me. So praise Jesus, God bless you, go away. Lastly, it was established in this country two centuries ago the right to choose which party you wanted to hang with. One of the greatest freedoms of this country is the right to vote for whoever you wish. Donkey, elephant, or other, we as civilians should not be shamed for our particular candidate, even if they are bat-crap crazy. It is nobodies’ business but our own and the electoral college whose name is on our docket when we throw it in the box. Superman fought for truth, justice, and the American way. It is difficult to think of anyone as a Superman for their cause when they are bashing the last of those three morals. Because the American way is the freedom to do, live, and believe anyway we feel the urge. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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