Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Life's a Game and We're All Playing

Now, while I do love spinning that little number wheel and driving my car along the colored path, getting married, and having kids, I am not actually talking about that particular board game. Although, as a child we giggle while paying bills, gaining money, etc. in the game, and depending on what version, possibly meeting Hello Kitty, it is a true enough reflection of what life is. As youngsters, it is just a fun time, but as adults, we quickly learn the board game is a joke gone wrong. The adage is adulting is hard and I, as an adult, fully believe that. Working, paying bills, going to school, if you still are, dealing with people, all while trying not to end up in a padded room. It is difficult. The only solace I have is I know everyone—big, small, poor, rich, famous, and even bloggers—are playing the game. Some of us will be the bragging sore winner at the end claiming we knew what we were doing, even though it is clearly sometimes just luck, while others, sadly, won’t make it to the end of the path and our cars will be found on the side of the path that many never think they will take. So where am I going with all this. Well, honestly, I don’t know. I guess I am just trying to point out that if life is just a game maybe we should stop focusing on every single move and whether we are winning or not and just play. Twirl the spinner, move your piece, and hope that even if you don’t win, it was a fun time anyway. Also, remember that sometimes it is going to be a bumpy ride, but we should strap in anyway because Cinnamoroll might be around the corner. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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