Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Talking Sexy...With Your Kids???

It is the most awkward time of a teenager’s life. They have out of control acne, their bodies are changing, and their parents want to talk about the birds and the bees. Or do they? For some parents this is not the routine. They assume their kids will just learn it as they go. Point blank, that is a horrible idea. The media and other easily acquired sources are not the right place to learn anything about sex. It overcomplicates a process that is relatively simple and completely natural for every human to experience or at least be curious about sometime in their life. The best thing to do as a parent is to get ahead of it so that your child is informed enough to make responsible decisions. So what age is appropriate to begin the learning process. The truth is you just have to know your own kid, because every brain is different and every child handles information at a different pace. (It is not always the girls that mature faster.) However, if your child is asking questions, then maybe it is time to start giving some answers. I mean be realistic. There is no good reason why you have to get into gory details with your second-grader, just the basic facts are okay. It is also okay, if your child is asking where babies come from at a young age, to tell the little white lie of the stork. However, if your young one is headed off to college and they still think that every new mom got a delivery from a long-beaked bird, then maybe it’s time to sit them down. Also, if by the time your child is 14 or 15 they have not asked any questions, it might pay you to ask them a few questions. Because knowing what they know might help you start an open conversation about the ins-and-outs. As I said it is not going to be a comfortable conversation for either party, but what is more uncomfortable: a lengthy conversation about how a male’s and female’s parts work or having to admit that you became a grandparent at the ripe old age of 34. It will also be pretty embarrassing when you kid comes to you in tears because their partner broke up with them because they tried to stick it in an ear. For me the choice is a pretty easy one to make and I hope that all the parents out there make the right one. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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