Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Being Undead Could Be Fun

Resident Evil, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Night of the Living Dead. These are just some of the pop culture references to zombies that we see, but what if these video games, TV shows, and movies are indeed our future? I am not talking about the slavery aspects of zombie media, which is definitely a topic for a future ramble, but, more specifically, the aspect of the day we figure out how to keep our bodies moving after we “pass on.” Imagine a world where no one actually dies. Instead, they become a zombie and continue to do things. Hopefully they would also continue to have brain function and we just don’t add more numbers to the brain-dead twits of the world. But even if they didn’t, at least we might be able to use them in some way instead of just filling up empty plots in a grassy field. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it would ever result in a Warm Bodies scenario where a relatively attractive actress brings back our humanity, but we could at least probably get to a DCOM area where as long as our lime-green Jello hair didn’t freak them out, we could at least coexist with cheerleaders. We would just have to curve our craving for brains and control our rotting parts. Maybe the invention of Impossible Brains is also our future. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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