Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Keep on Moving, Keep on Trucking

It is a concept that confuses most of the people that know me, but I have a strict philosophy of never looking back. What I mean is anything I do I either accomplish the goal or complete the task or get as far as I can with that particular instance of life and then I move on. There are people who say “I am going back to college,” or they will leave a job to go to something that should be better and then when it doesn’t work out, they go back to their old position. I did the college thing and, honestly, even though there are parts of my degree I would like to further, I cannot ever see myself going back to that schooling world. Also, my work track record is quite large because I work a job for a while, and then when I see I can’t take the position I am in any further, I start looking for something better. I have been unemployed before and could have easily gone back to the old hum-drum of one of my old jobs, but I just don’t like to look back. I always think about what opportunities I might be missing out on if I went back to a comfortable place. That, I think, is the key words: “Comfortable Place.” I think we should all strive to be a little uncomfortable. Get used to living in the uncomfortable environment. You will find that there are far more opportunities in front of you, facing that uncomfortable feeling and continuing to move forward with your life than there are behind you while you look back. It is a little scary, but, in my mind, the scarier place is settling for something lesser-than because of living in the past. Moreover, our lives improve when we take a few unknown but educated chances and allow ourselves to enjoy that unknown. And while I have mostly talked about limited scenarios in this post, I think this philosophy does apply to all areas of our lives. I am talking to you person who is contemplating taking back that lowlife scumbag of a partner because at least you know them. I personally prefer the devil I don’t know. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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