Tuesday, June 13, 2023

High School Sweethearts Gone Sour

Ah, young love. A thing that would make puppies envious. A time of buying small gifts with the little bit of allowance you scrape together and enjoying another person’s company. Until, of course you break up a week later because teenage hormones are wild. I think teenagers need to be given a reality check. Really it should be up to the parents, but sometimes they fall short, so it is up to the rest of the world to let teens know that your “first love” is sometimes just a crush and you will survive if it falls apart. Just because you saw a Hallmark movie where high school sweethearts got married and lived happily every after doesn’t mean that real life is going to reflect that. I don’t even care if your parents are the example you are following. The first person you have a relationship with is not always going to be the “said and done.” I used to be a substitute teacher and it was comically laughable how many of those teens would fight and argue over who was who’s beau. These same teens who had known each other for several years because they had gone to the same school all that time. Their hormones were confusing love for familiarity. Some of them had even lived next to each other for most of their lives. Of course you are falling in love with them; you know them better than everyone else. The ideal situation is that you will get to know several partners before choosing the right one. I mean how are you supposed to know what you really like in a partner, if you have only tried out one type. The world is a large place and there is someone for everyone. They may be a town over, two counties away, four states apart, or even separated by entire continents. I can’t guarantee that it will be an easy search to find that one, but I can guarantee that 95% of the population will not find their one true love sitting behind them in math class at the age of 15. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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