Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub, I Don't Care How You Get Clean

Do you ever think that sometimes we delve too much into other people’s lives? I mean sometimes I think we care too much about how other people live their day-to-day. For example, the other day, I watched a Youtube video where the entire video was people discussing baths vs. showers. One side of the table said baths were disgusting because you sit in the filth you clean off. The other side of the table said that may be true, but baths are relaxing in a way showers could never be, and you do still get mostly clean. Of course, I might have been the only weirdo watching the video thinking to myself, as long as the person gets clean, why do we care? Moreover, what if the person physically cannot take a shower (i.e. can’t stand that long, doesn’t have a shower, etc.) I mean lets face it, in the Middle Ages, running water wasn’t a utility like it is now. Hell, even now, not everybody in the world has “shower capabilities”. They are lucky and glad to take a bath. Sure, if you live in modern society and you are over the age of 10 and you are taking baths for the sole purpose of getting clean, I might wonder what traumatic incident occurred that made you detest showers with such a fiery passion, but I guess as long as you got clean, I still wouldn’t care that much. Anyway, the video ended with both sides deciding to agree to disagree. Meanwhile, I finished the video sore because I had wasted 15 minutes of my time, but also agreeing that shaming someone to take a shower should only be done if there are visible, green, curvy lines coming off them. Otherwise, baths are fine too. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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