Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Let's Bring in the Sloths

The other day I was in a building that only had two floors. Now as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act this building had an elevator to get between the two floors. I had never really paid attention to the elevator before as I always took the stairs to get between the two floors. However, while I was standing in line waiting for my turn, I noticed many people going to the elevator. It was interesting to me because many of the people I saw using the elevator seemed perfectly healthy to me. No wheelchair, no walker, not even a limp, and yet they felt it was necessary to use this elevator. Now I have no room to talk about being lazy, because, honestly, I am as lazy as they come, but it really frustrated me that something that is necessary for some, seem to be taken as a luxury to others. The craziest part is, the elevator is actually a little out of the way compared to the stairs. You could actually get out of the building quicker by using the stairs. But didn’t stop this parade of people from making a B-line for the elevator. Maybe there should be a sign that says “FOR DISABLED ONLY”. Of course, we wouldn’t want to discriminate against the perfectly healthy now would we. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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