Tuesday, May 28, 2024

An Honest and Diverse Friend Group

Have you ever been sitting with your friends, look around, and realize that all of you are the same? It is not a stupid question. The next time you are with your extended friend group, glance at what they all look and act like. Are they all the same race, gender, background, etc? I will actually get to the point with this one. Your friend group needs a multitude of different personalities and nationalities. There is a reason TV shows now are including more than just the one black friend to the main character. The friend group in a program could include people of all different nationalities, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and even people of extended age ranges. Art should reflect reality. Our real-life friend groups should include this as well. I am not saying that your friend group should look like a “We Are The World” campaign, but if it looks like the cast of Friends, maybe look up diversity in the dictionary. This is not just me being my whimsical, non-sensical self. I have made every effort to expand my friend group with people of all different perspectives, because it allows me to become a better person by having my very diverse friends be honest with me if I am doing something offensive. For instance, you need friends to help you realize how racist you might actually be being on a day to day. Also, my gay friends help me see the perspective of the LGBTQ+ community so that I can proudly say that I am an ally. At the end of the day, making your friend group a melting pot only helps to open your mind to worlds very different from your own. Also, it makes holidays more fun because of all the different gatherings of which you can be a part. We are a part of a very diverse world, and I believe that the ultimate goal is to find connections for us all. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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