Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Let's All Get Out There

It’s that time of year again. The time for super-sweet chocolates, overpriced flowers, big fancy dinners, and the colors red and pink. It is also a time for introverts to add an extra layer of protection from anyone getting near them. I find this very odd, because I have been told by introverted friends of mine that it would be so nice to celebrate Valentine’s with a significant other. Unfortunately, it is hard to have the best of both worlds. A world where you don’t put yourself out there, but also get a person close enough to you to celebrate the holiday of romance. Fortunately, I have a solution and it is really, really simple. Just like the bullies who seem to have no problem being faceless names behind typed words, introverts have an outlet to get themselves started on a journey of social interaction. I have been told that it can be unnerving to try to make new friends as an introvert, and it is completely out of the question to just walk up and ask someone on a date. However, with social media and some decent typing skills, my friends have started testing the waters of interacting with new people and just having a good time chatting someone up. They have slowly become more extraverted because of this. One of my friends has even found someone who was as introverted as they were, connected with that person over it, and now they hang out in person. So, this Valentine’s Day let’s all get out there and meet new people. Not for any particular reason, except to enjoy the company of others, and, with any luck, find someone who is just as oblivious to Valentine’s Day as we are so that we can bond over how gross the holiday really is. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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