Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Destination…Expensive Wedding

I saw a news report today that said that destination weddings were at an all-time spike since before the pandemic. This particular news story provided the top three on the list of destination weddings in the U.S. Now, one would assume that the top three would be the most extravagant, luxurious places in all of America. Because, let’s be honest, if you are going to do a big wedding, you might as well do it right. However, while slots one and two were taken by Orlando and Vegas respectively, the number 3 was taken by Tulsa, Oklahoma. Why Tulsa, you ask? Because it is the cheapest place to have a wedding. Which really irked me. I thought the whole point of a destination wedding was to go all out and make it the most exuberant and outright expensive occasion, in a place where there is lots to do. I thought the idea was that the couple would be paying for the wedding for the next ten years, if the marriage lasted that long. If it didn’t, the bill would be part of the alimony. I guess I would just feel bad if my family and friends traveled all the way to my wedding, and then once the wedding was over, they just had to go back home. I mean if after my wedding they came home with a piece of apparel that said I flew all the way to a wedding and all I got was this crappy T-shirt, I think that would definitely weigh on their minds years down the road. My idea of a destination wedding is when everyone got back to their normal lives after being on vacation for a week and their coworkers asked what they did over that week, there would be a whole list of things that would be talked about, with the wedding being at the bottom of that list. I mean not that the wedding wouldn’t be enjoyable, but, come on, if I go all the way to a distant place for a wedding, I had better get a couple of fantastic photos and a few good meals, at the least. But that is just one man’s opinion. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate it. See you next time.

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